
Thyroid  is an endocrine gland. It is found in the front of the neck. Thyroid secrete thyroid hormone which influence the metabolism of all cells and protein synthesis, as well. 

The thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are created from iodine and tyrosine. The thyroid also produces the hormone calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis. Balance thyroid hormone depends on  pituitary which secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). 

The thyroid may be affected by several diseases. Many women have problems with thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism,  hyperthyroidism or even autoimmune thyroids.

Symptoms of  hypothyroidism 

1.  Feeling tired all day, after 8- 9 hours sleep at night you can't wake up, you don't feel full of energy so you may need naps during the day 

2. Weight gain or problems with losing weight although you eat healthy and regularly

3.  Mood swings, depression or anxiety

4. Hormonal disorders of the menstrual cycle. Increased tension before menstrual periods, irregular cycles, infertility, low libido

5. Problems with muscles, joints or tendonitis that are indeterminate:

6. Disorders with thermoregulation: cold feeling, cold hands and feet

7. Problems with hair and nails that may be dry, brittle. Hair loss.

8.  Problems with the digestive system such as constipation or diarrhea. 

9. Disorder of concentration, poor memory, vague thinking

10. Swelling of the neck, snoring or hoarse voice

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Basic thyroid diagnosis

How to improve thyroid function?

1. Support the thyroid with iodine supplements (unless it is excess), zinc, selenium, iron (check level of the iron and ferritin in the blood), vitamin D (if it is possible check level of  vit D in the blood) and B vitamin complex. Eat foods rich in these nutritious substances.

2. Look at your diet. Eat without gluten! If you have Hashimoto's (autoimmune disease) the first step would be to go on a diet without lectins - eliminating all grains and legumes 2-4 weeks no longer. The specialist should control the whole process. 

3. Eat natural products, not processed and without food additives, free of toxins and contaminants

4. If you have problems with the digestive system, pay attention to finding the cause. Find balance bacteria gut and support you digestive system. 

5. Control the stress. Support balance adrenal glands, you can start with peaceful walk, listening to relaxing music or breathing therapy . 

6. Take care of a good sleep 8-10 hours. Remember about turn off light and WiFi

7. Take care of the health of your teeth and take a look at whether there are any chronic infections in the body

8. Limit toxins from cosmetics. Buy natural cosmetics free of parabens, aluminum and SLS

9. Drink good quality water free from toxins and fluorine, chlorine ...

10. Choose individual herbs, supplements which support your health. They cannot interact with the medicines taken so please contact with specialist