Functional Diagnostics

For over 10 years we provide functional diagnostics of the hormonal, neurobiological, immunological, metabolic and gastrointestinal systems.

A holistic approach to problems helps to diagnose the cause of ailments, the roots of health disorders.

Complex diagnostic procedures bring the impact and source of chronic stress we are exposed on the everyday basis.

Understanding the relationship between the many processes in our body allows us to choose the right therapy or preventive maintenance.

Functional diagnostics is a highly detailed individualized analysis of the body’s functions and their interrelations in the neuro-psycho-endocrine-immune system based on laboratory diagnostics.

Currently, the mainstream of diagnostics is focused on the analysis of dead tissues or their disintegration.

Functional diagnostics, thanks to the use of laboratory test panels and analysis of metabolic pathways, allows for an early description of disorders, primarily the activities, physiology of living organisms even when classical basic tests show so- “Norm”. Hence, prevention and health are indispensable.

It is also an important supplement to the diagnosis of chronic and recurrent disease syndromes.

We cooperate worldwide with laboratories like Genova Diagnostics, Cyrex Lab, BioLab, Institute of  Microecology

We select carefully the individual panel of studies, which we analyze in detail what is the basis for our recommendation and therapeutic support.


In our offices it is possible to perform non-invasive (or minimal invasive) specialized examinations like the following examples:

The wider range of diagnostics is tailored to the needs of patients.