Gut Bacteria affects the health condition. 

Do you know that we have about 2 kg of bacteria in our gut? Have you realized that external environment has the largest impact on our health through the intestines lining?

300-500 different kinds of bacteria live in your intestines and colon. They are not neutral for our health. They affect different mechanisms in our body from metabolism to immune system. What’s more? These bacteria influence our mood.

Gut bacteria are the first barrier against toxin form environment and food. Microbiome have a significant role in our overall health. 

If we want to keep balance of physiological micro-flora we have to eat naturally healthy food. It would also be recommended to avoid processed food, limit medicaments likes antibiotics, reduce stress and toxins...

A lot of factors influence healthy bacteria gut causing problems with bad bacterias overgrowth and leaky gut. 

Microflora imbalance in gut is responsible for the problems with physical and mental health.

Leaky gut is permeability of the gut lining allowing toxins to seep out to bloodstream and break the brain barrier. Studies have suggested a link between gut bacteria and disorders of the central nervous system, like anxiety, depression and autism spectrum. Imbalance of gut microbiome is only one but significant factor related to these diseases. 

Looking at the bright side,  it has been proven that certain probiotic bacteria and prebiotic have anti anxiety and antidepressant effects. Consuming beneficial bacteria can also positively change the way the brain responds to the environment. 

Scientists have begun to draw links between the following illnesses and the bacteria in your gut: obesity, type 2 diabetes and also heart disease. Your gut bacteria affect your body’s metabolism. 

Mounting research has suggested that instability of gut bacteria has been linked with digestive system problems: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. There are medical articles confirming that people with gut problem often have abnormally high levels of certain bacteria. High carb (sugar) diets may contribute to the rise of colon cancer. 

Studies have found link between microbiome and immunology diseases. Rheumatoid Arthritis is correlated with high level of bad bacteria Prevotella copri and low level of good gut bacteria.

It is thought that when we support our good gut bacteria we can avoid leaky gut and  stay in good health condition. 

What can we do?

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