Comprehensive DNA

The combined DNA Panels assess genetic variants for food cravings, sugar metabolism and sensitivity to carbohydrates, fat over-absorption and sensitivity, detoxification, methylation function, oestrogen imbalance, inflammation, essential fatty acid pathway (PUFA metabolism), caffeine sensitivity, lactose intolerance, iron over-absorption, gluten intolerance and the requirements for vitamin D, vitamin B and folate, magnesium, glutathione and vitamin C, antioxidants and omega’s.

Very importantly, the Comprehensive Panel has a number of online questionnaires designed to assess your environment and the impact on gene expression. We analyse the DNA results alongside the answers provided in the questionnaires.

This combined approach highlights your genetic and lifestyle risk factors which may be impacting your gene expression. In other words, whether your risk potential is being realised through diet and lifestyle choices. For example, many genes are affected by a lack of sleep and are also involved in processing stress and regulating the methylation system.

Your genes are your tendency, not your destiny. Nutritional and lifestyle changes can go a long way to change your gene expression.
