Be ready for the FEVER

All seems to be upside down when the fever hits, let us be prepared for this occasion. If you are a carer for adult or young and especially for the infant or baby you must be ready to offer TLC - tender loving care.

Owning the knowledge and the termometer is the first step.

Please use the fever net resource to prepare, get the termometer from the nearest shop and start monitoring now when there is no storm. Parental Confidence in Relation to Antipyretic Use, Warning Signs, Symptoms and Well-Being in Fever Management—Results from an App-Based Registry

Visit www.feverapp.de for further considerations re monitoring

Download app from the store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.feverapp.feverapp&gl=IE

The alternative app is a feverfriend.eu


Visit https://warmuptofever.org/en/home-2/ for further educations.

Watch what fever observation can offer you here